FreeRTOS Notes

Page Contents


Naming Conventions

  • TickType_t - Either a U16 or U32 based on FreeRTOS configuration settings.
  • BaseType_t - U16 on 16-bit architechture, U32 on 32-bit architecture
  • Variable prefixes:
    • c - char
    • s - short or U16
    • l - long or U32
    • x - BaseType_t or any other non-standard types like structures, task handlers etc etc.
    • u - unsigned
    • p - pointer
    • v - void
  • Function prefixes:
    • return type letter (see variable prefixes) and then first word is filename, next works are function name:
      • vTaskPrioritySet - Function returning void, in task.c, function is PrioritySet.
  • Macro names:
    • Prefix in lower case, giving macro definitions file.
    • Macro name is upper case
    • Examples
      • portMAX_DELAY - port indicates it is from portable.h, and the macro is MAX_DELAY.
      • taskENTER_CRITICAL - task indicates it is from task.h
      • pdTRUE - pd indicates it is from projdefs.h
      • configUSE_PREEMPTION - config indicates it is from FreeRTOSConfig.h

Memory Allocation

I work in systems that generally don't want dynamic memory allocation, so to use static allocation set configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h.

All functions then need to be replaced with thair ...Static counterparts:

  • xTaskCreateStatic
  • xEventGroupCreateStatic
  • xEventGroupGetStaticBuffer
  • xQueueGenericCreateStatic
  • xQueueGenericGetStaticBuffers
  • xQueueCreateMutexStatic
    • if configUSE_MUTEXES is 1
  • xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic
    • if configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES is 1
  • xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic
  • xStreamBufferGetStaticBuffers
  • xTimerCreateStatic
    • if configUSE_TIMERS is 1
  • xTimerGetStaticBuffer
    • if configUSE_TIMERS is 1

If configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configUSE_TIMERS are both enabled, the kernel will call vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory() to allow the application to create and return a memory buffer for the timer task TCB and the timer task stack.

The vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory function is called to allow the application to create the needed buffers for the "main" idle task.



                          │                 │                                                       
              ┌───────────►   Suspended     ◄───────────────────────┐                               
              │           │                 │                       │                               
              │           └───▲─────────┬───┘                       │                               
              │               │         │                           │ vTaskSusped()                 
              │ vTaskSuspend()│         │ vTaskResume()             │                               
              │               │         │                           │                               
              │               │         │                           │                               
              │           ┌───┴─────────▼───┐              ┌────────┴────────┐                      
              │    ┌┐     │                 ├──────────────►                 │                      
TaskSuspend() │    │┼─────►   Ready         │              │   Running       │                      
              │    └┘     │                 ◄──────────────┤                 │                      
              │           └────────▲────────┘              └────────┬────────┘                      
              │                    │                                │                               
              │                    │                                │                               
              │                    │Event                           │ Blocking API                  
              │                    │                                │ called, which blocks          
              │           ┌────────┴────────┐                       │                               
              │           │                 │                       │                               
              └───────────┤   Blocked       ◄───────────────────────┘                               
                          │                 │                                                       

Many of the following functions can be included or excluded from the API definition using macros from FreeRTOSConfig.h, such as INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend() etc.

Task Creation & Deletion & Priority

  • BaseType_t xTaskCreate(TaskFunction_t pvTaskCode, const char* pcName, uint16_t usStackDepth, void * pvParameters, UBaseType_t uxPriority, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask)
    • x means it returns Basetype_t or other non-standard type.
    • Task means it is found in task.c
    • Parameters:
      • pvTaskCode - Pointer to function that runs the task: void MyTask(void *pvParameters)
      • pcName - Pointer to string used to identify task during debugging
      • usStackDepth - Stack depth - duh
      • pvParameters - Pointer to task parameters. May be NULL. Opaque to FreeRTPS, just pass a pointer to a struct or whatever you like in here.
      • uxPriority - Smaller the number the higher the priority. Tasks of equal priority run for a time quanta.
      • pxCreatedTask - Used to return the task handle. May be NULL.
  • vTaskStartScheduler() - Once tasks created starts the scheduler.
  • vTaskPrioritySet(TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask, UBaseType_t uxPriority) - Set a task priority dynamically. Can use NULL task to set threads own priority.
  • uxTaskPriorityGet(TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask) - Get task priority.
  • vTaskDelete(TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask)

Task State Modification

  • vTaskSuspend(TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask) - Suspend a task. Shouldn't need to call this manually - use correct CRs and scheduling.
  • vTaskResume(TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask) - Resume a task. Shouldn't need to call this manually - use correct CRs and scheduling.
  • vTaskDelay(TickType_t xTicksToDelay) - Causes task to move to the blocked state for a number of ticks. Make sure INCLUDE_vTaskDelay is set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h. Use pdMS_TO_TICKS(), e.g. vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(...)). See also xTaskGetTickCount().
  • vTaskDelayUntil()

Idle Task

  • There must be at least one task in the Running state, so the Idle task will run where there are no other tasks pending.
  • It is created automatically when the scheduler is started.
  • Has lowest priority (0) so that it can never prempt any other task.
  • Can add functionality to the task using an Idle hook (Idle callback function), which is called automatically by the idle task once per iteration of the idle task loop.
  • See configUSE_IDLE_HOOK and configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
  • Override weakly linked function void vApplicationIdleHook(void).
  • Commonly used to put MCU to sleep - drawback is tick interrupt will cause continual enter/exit from this state!
    • To overcome, FreeRTOS tickless idle mode stops the periodic tick interrupt during idle periods.


  • Tick hook (callback) can be overridden, but is must be AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE because it executes in interrupt context and must not call any API functions that do not end in ...FromISR().

Context Switching

When a task calls an API function, if configUSE_PREEMPTION is set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h then the switch to the higher priority task occurs automatically within the API function, in other words, before the API function has exited.



  • Must #include "queue.h".
  • Finite FIFO buffers.
  • Blocks on a read if no data is available, blocks on a write if no room in the queue is available.
  • Functions: xQueueCreate(), xQueueSend(), xQueueSendFromISR90, xQueueSendToFront(), xQueueSendToBack(), xQueueReceive().
    • QueueHandle_t xQueueCreate(UBaseType_t uxQueueLength, UBaseType uxItemSize).
    • BaseType_t xQueueSend(QueueHandle_t xQueue, const void *pvItemToQueue, TickType xTickToWait).
      • The item is queued by copy, not by reference.
    • BaseType_t xQueueReceive(QueueHandle_t xQueue, void *pvbuffer, TickType xTickToWait).
      • The item is received by copy so a buffer of adequate size must be provided.
    • xQueueSendFromISR()
      • Communicate from backend ISR to front end task. Note, of course, that this function cannot block so if the queue is full items will be dropped.
  • Queue sets: A lot like poll() - task can receive data from many queues without having to poll each queue.
    • See configUSE_QUEUE_SETS in FreeRTOSConfig.h. If not present in file define it yourself and set value as 1.
    • QueueSetHandle_t xQueueCreateSet(const UBaseType_t exEventQueueLength), where exEventQueueLength is the max number of queues that this set can hold.
    • BaseType_t xQueueAddToSet(QueueSetMemberHandler_t xQueueOrSempahore, QueueSetHandler_t xQueueSet).
      • Note xQueueOrSempahore is so named because semaphores can also be added to queue sets.
static QueueHandle_t q1, q2;
static QueueSetHandle_t qset;
   // Some init function
   q1 = xQueueCreate(1, sizeof(uint32_t));
   q2 = xQueueCreate(1, sizeof(uint32_t));

   xQueueAddToSet(q1, qset);
   xQueueAddToSet(q2, qset);

   // Some recever function
   while(true) {
      QueueHandle_t queue_with_data = (QueueHandle_t)xQueueSelectFromSet(qset, portMAX_DELAY); 
      xQueueReceive(queue_with_data, ...);
      // Do something with data ...


  • Binary Sempahores:
    • SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateBinary(void)
    • BaseType_t xSemaphoreGive(SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore)
    • BaseType_t xSempahoreGiveFromISR(SempahoreHandle_t xSemaphore, BaseType_t pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
    • BaseType_t xSemaphoreTake(...)
  • Counting Sempahores:
    • Enable by defining configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES in FreeRTOSConfig.h
    • xSemaphoreCreateCounting(uxMaxCount, uxInitialCount)
  • Mutexes:
    • Enable by defining configUSE_MUTEXES in FreeRTOSConfig.h
    • Mutexes are binary semaphores that include a priority inheritance mechanism.
    • Not recursive - must use recursive mutexes if you need this.

Event Groups

  • Event groups allow a task to wait in the Blocked state for a combination of one of more events to occur
  • Event groups unblock all the tasks that were waiting for the same event, or combination of events, when the event occurs.
  • Useful for
    • synchronizing multiple tasks,
    • broadcasting events to more than one task,
    • allowing a task to wait in the Blocked state for any one of a set of events to occur, and
    • allowing a task to wait in the Blocked state for multiple actions to complete.
  • xEventGroupWaitBits() to wait for any bit to be set and get a mask of all bits set.
  • xEventGroupSync() to set a bit and wait for all or a selection of other bits to be set.
    • The function allows a task to set one or more event bits in an event group, then wait for a combination of event bits to become set in the same event group, as a single uninterruptable operation.

Task Notifications

  • Inter-task or ISR-task interaction and synchronisation without a communication object like a semaphore.
  • Optional so must set configUSE_TASK_NOTIFICATIONS to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
  • Much faster than using a queue, semaphore or event group.
  • Requires significantly less RAM.
  • vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR()

Interrupt Management

  • Never call a FreeRTOS API function that does not have FromISR in its name from an ISR.
  • xHigherPriorityTaskWoken:
    • When an API is used that might cause a context switch, the switch cannot happen in the ISR, thus all interrupt safe API functions have a param xHigherPriorityTaskWoken.
    • Set xHigherPriorityTaskWoken to false before the API call, then if it is true after, portYIELD_FROM_ISR() needs to be called with the value of xHigherPriorityTaskWoken. If it is false no context switch is requested, otherwise one is requested.
  • Deferred interrupt processing: An interrupt service routine must record the cause of the interrupt, and clear the interrupt. Any other processing necessitated by the interrupt can often be performed in a task, allowing the interrupt service routine to exit as quickly as is practical.

Software Timers

  • Set configUSE_TIMERS to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
  • Set configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY to desired priority of timer service task.
  • Set configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH for max number of unprocessed commands that timer command queue can hold.
  • Set configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH to define stack size for timer service task.
  • Timer callback prototype: void ATimerCallback( TimerHandle_t xTimer ).
  • Timer callbacks must NOT enter blocked state!
  • All callback execute in context of timer service task, aka "RTOS daemon task".
  • APIs: xTimerCreate, xTimerStart, xTimerChangePeriod ...

Memory Protection Unit (MPU)

  • Supports static allocation config as well as synamic allocation config.
  • Must define portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS to be 1.
  • portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS. Default is 1. Examples seem to set this to 3 because as docs says it uses 8 MPU regions, 4 reserved by kernel, 3 for task regions and 1 for task stack. Presumably on devices where MPU can do 16 regions this can just be set higher.
  • xTaskCreateRestricted() and xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic().