Linux Bash Commands Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet
Free-electrons provide this rather useful cheet sheet.
Bash Variables
Special Variables |
Arrays |
Parameter Substitution |
Bash History Expansion
!4 | Display and execute the fourth commnd in the history table |
!-2 | Display and execute command 2 commands back |
!! or !-1 | Display and execute previous command |
!word | Search backwards through command history for first command that starts with "word". If found, display and execute command |
!?word | Search backwards through command history for first command that contains with "word". If found, display and execute command |
^str1^str2^ | Change the first occurence of str1 in previous command to str2 |
!!:s/str1/str2 | Same as previous |
!!:gs/str1/str2 | Change ALL occurences of str1 in previous command to str2 |
!!:n | Get the nth argument of the previous command |
!!:$< or !$ | Get last argument or the previous command |
Create archive | tar c(jz)vf archive.tar.gz dir
z : make gzip
j : bzip2
zip -r <files>
Extract archive | tar xvf archive.tar.[gz|bz2|lzma|xz]
List archive contents | tar tvf archive.tar.[gz|bz2|lzma|xz] |
File Systems:
Mount |
Mount a device:
Mount a Windows share: |
Unmount | sudo umount /dev/sdb1 |
Format | sudo mkfs.(ntfs|ext4|vfat) /dev/sdb1 |
Space used/avail in FS | df -h /dev/sda or df -h /home/jehtech |
Space used by specific files/dirs | du |
Get size of dir/file | du -sh[c] dir .The -c option produces a grand total. |
Check what process has a file open: | lsof /path/to/file |
List packages: | dpkg -l |
Package ver: | dpkg -s <packagename> |
Install package: | apt-get install <packagename>[=<versionno>] |
Users, Groups, Permissions
Change permissions: | chmod [ugo]+[rwx] file or chmod -R [ugo]+[rwx] dir |
Change the group assigned to a resource: | sudo chgroup <group-name> <resource> |
Change the owner/group/all permissions assigned to a resource: |
sudo chmod [ogu]+[rwx] <resource> |
Create a new user: | adduser USER-NAME PASSWORD |
Add a user to a group: | sudo adduser <new-username> <group-name> |
Create a new group: | sudo groupadd <new-groupname> |
List groups user belongs too: | groups |
List all groups on system: | cut -d: -f1 /etc/group |
Get my groups: | id -G -n <username> |
Give user sudo: | usermod -a -G sudo <username> |
Change password: | sudo passwd <username> or just for yourself passwrd |
Example - create new user account: | # Create a new user... sudo adduser the_new_guy new_guys_password # Setup SSH Access... # Must have a private/public keypair on your local machine and copy the public # key onto the server's authorized-keys file for the user. sudo mkdir /home/the_new_guy/.ssh/ sudo chmod 0700 /home/the_new_guy/.ssh/ sudo -- sh -c "echo 'ssh-ed25519 AAAA ... rest of pub key ...' > /home/the_new_guy/.ssh/authorized_keys" sudo chown -R the_new_guy:the_new_guy /home/vivek/.ssh/ # Setup sudoer ability [optional] sudo usermod -a -G sudo the_new_guy |
System V Init
Start/Stop/Restart: | service <servicename> start|stop|restart |
List services: | systemctl list-units |
Control service: | sudo systemctl [start|restart|stop|enable|disable] <servicename> |
Service status: | sudo systemctl status <servicename> |
Service specific status: | sudo systemctl is-active|is-enabled|is-failed <servicename> |
Show unit file: | systemctl cat <servicename> |
Edit unit file: | sudo systemctl edit [--full] <servicename> && sudo systemctl daemon-reload |
Find system service files: | ls /lib/systemd/system/ |
View journal entries: | sudo journalctl [-kb] [-u <unit name>] , -b for current boot messages, -k for kernel messages. |
Logs since boot: | journalctl -b N .N = 0: this boot, N = -1: last boot etc. Edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf and under [Journal] set storage=persistent to keep logs across boots. |
Logs since date: | journalctl --since "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" journalctl --since yesterday journalctl --since HH:MM --until "X hours ago"
Filter by service: | journalctl -u <service-name:>.service |
Kernel messages: | journalctl -k |
Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW)
Status: | ufw status verbose |
Enable Firewall: | ufw enable |
Deny All Incoming: | ufw deny incoming |
Allow All Outgoing: | uft default allow outgoing |
Allow SSH Incoming: | ufw allow ssh |
Rate Limit (SSH): | ufw limit ssh/tcp |
Allow Protocol/Port Range: | ufw allow 1234:4321/(ip|udp|tcp) |
Allow Specific IP Incoming: | ufw allow x.x.x.x |
Allow SSH from IP range: | ufw allow proto tcp from port 22 |
Show Numbered Rules: | ufw status numbered |
Delete Rules: | ufw delete (allow|deny) ... |
See Apps: | ufw app list |
Get App Info:: | ufw app info app-name |
System Info
System version: | uname -a |
Kernel version: | uname -r |
Hostname & IP: | hostname [-I] |
List PCI: |
lspci -tv ^ Show a tree-like diagram containing all buses, bridges, devices and connections lspci -k -nn -v ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ Verbose ^ Show PCI vendor and device codes as both numbers and names Show kernel drivers handling each device |
List USB: | lsusb -tv udevadm info --name=/dev/ttyUSBx --attribute-walk |
List USB Serial Devices: | sudo cat /proc/tty/driver/usbserial |
Memory fitted: | sudo lshw -c memory |
Free memory: | free -m vmstat -s -S M | grep mem |
CPU: | lscpu |
Network Manager Client: |
nmap: |
Routes: |
Get status: | sudo fail2ban status |
View logs: | sudo cat /var/log/fail2ban.log |
Start/stop/reload/get status: | fail2ban-client start|stop|reload|status [jail-name] |
Un-ban an IP | sudo fail2ban-client set jail-name unbanip ip-address |
Other little bits:
Switch Java vers: | alternatives --config java |