Python Pandas Notes
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A funny little example to see how average house prices differ in the UK using Pandas. The example uses data from the UK government's open data website on the residential property sales in England and Wales that are lodged with Land Registry for registration in 2014, to compute the 5 most expensive and least-expensive places to buy a home (on average)...
A small motivating example...
import urllib2 import os import pandas # # WARNING: File is about 150MB!! # See: print "Downloading data from WWW. Reading into Dataframe..." DATA_FILE = ('http://' '' 'price-paid-data/pp-2014.csv') df = pandas.read_csv( DATA_FILE, index_col=False, # Make sure first column is NOT treated as index! names=[ "code", "price", "date", "postcode", "f1", "f2", "f3", "address1", "address2", "address3", "address4", "address5", "address6", "county", "f4"] ) # Possibly don't really need to filter as price is the only numeric column # and pandas seems to ignore the non-numerics quite sensibly. df2 = df.ix[:,["county", "price"]] grouped = df2.groupby("county", sort=True) mean_prices_df = grouped.mean().sort(columns=["price"]) fig, ax = pl.subplots() print "\nThe 5 most expensive counties in the UK, 2014 are..." least = mean_prices_df.tail(5) print least print "\nThe 5 least expensive counties in the UK, 2014 are..." most = mean_prices_df.head(5) print most pandas.concat([least,most]).plot(ax = ax, kind='bar') pl.subplots_adjust(bottom=.5) ax.grid() fig.savefig(r'pandas_landreg.png')
This will output the following:
Read Data In From Files
From Tab Delimited File
If the data doesn't have column headings...
df = pandas.read_table('filename', header=None, index_col=0)
The parameter header=None
tells pandas there are no column headers.
The parameter index_col=0
tells pandas to use column 0 in the file as the index.
You can use other paramters like names=['col1', ...]
to give columns specific names. To set the index name use = 'a_name'
From A CSV File
df = pandas.read_csv(filename, header=None, skipinitialspace=True)
The field header
, if left out, will default to trying to infer if there is a header. None
no header and an integer or list of integers gives the row(s) which contain the header
From Microsoft Excel File
Also really easy:
df = pandas.read_excel('filename', sheetname='string or int-index', index_col=0, skiprows=0, names=['col1_name', ...])
The filename
can be a filename on your local PC or a URL. It can also be an xlrd object.
Massage Data Formats
Rename The Index Column
Often when reading in a file, having specified the index column, I want to give it a name. Done like so: = 'string-name'
Get The Date Formats In Order
DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' df.datetime_column = pd.to_datetime(dfAssayInf.datetime_column, format=DATETIME_FORMAT, errors='raise')
Manually Create Data Frame
To create an empty data frame:
df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(numRows),columns=range(numCols))
Cleaning Data
Renaming Columns
You can reset all the column names at once by writing into to df.columns
To selectively rename columns it is easier to use
df.rename(columns = {col1_name : col1_new_name, ...})
Create/Modify Column Based On A Column
df['col-name'] = df.apply(a_function, axis=1)
The parameter axis=1
means applying the function to columns,
i.e., each row will be iterated over and passed as a Series
to the function a_function
Create Empty Column
df.newNanCol = np.nan df.newStringCol = "" # And so on...
Remove Rows Where No Column Has A Value From A Set
df[df.isin([list, of, values]).any(axis=1)]
Select Columns Of Certain Types
To return a dataframe with only columns of certain types or excluding certain types use:
df.select_dtypes(include=[...], exclude=[...])
You can select numeric types using 'numpy.number'
, strings (and objects) using 'object'
, datetimes using 'datetime'
and much more (see the doc link).
Trim All Strings
df_obj = df.select_dtypes(['object']) df[df_obj.columns] = df_obj.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip())
Row Operations
Iterate Through Rows
df.iterrows() -> (index_value, series)
The function iterrows()
returns a tuple for every row in the data frame. The
first tuple member is the index entry for the row and the second is a Series object
representing the columns in that row.
Filter By Set Membership
df[df['col-name'].isin([1, 2, 3, ...])]
Dates & Time
Parse A String Into A Date
pd.to_datetime('10/08/2011', format='%d/%m/%Y')
Creating Date Ranges
pd.date_range(pd.to_datetime('10/08/2011', format='%d/%m/%Y'), periods=10)
The above creates a range of dates from "10/08/2011" to "2011-08-19". What periods
means is defined by another optional parameter freq
You'll note that instead of just passing the string "10/08/2011" straight to date_range()
I wrap it inside a to_datetime()
call. The reason for this was that, dispite my locale settings
being correct, date_range()
seemed to be interpretting the string as month-day-year, even when
I set tz='gmt'
. So to be explicit, remove ambiguity (the code becomes more self documenting) and
to make sure I don't trip myself up on these issues, I tend to do this.
To plot two columns from a multi-column dataframe:
df.plot(x='Column1_Label', y='Column2_Label', kind='line', marker='o', title="X vs Y Plot")
Rough and ready notes
Pandas workhouses: Series and DataFrame INTRO TO DATA STRUCTS ===================== Series: ------- Series: 1D array-like object. Array of NumPy data type plus labels (the index) Series_obj = Series([], index=[...labels...]) Series_obj.value = NumPy array containing data from the series object Series_obj.index = Array of indicies/labels for the series object Index can be anything... numbers, strings, whatever. Index a Series like NumPy arrays except use whatever type the index is of. Eg Series_obj['aString'] or Series_obj[['a','b','c']] or Series_obj[123] NumPy array operations, preserve the index-value link I.e, can treat Series like a NumPy array with a special intellegent index. Can create from dict. Dict keys become index and key values become the data. NaN indicate missing data in series. Use pd.isnull() or pd.notnull() to detect Series automatically align differently indexed data in arithmetic operations. This matching labels have operator applied and labels not in both Series become NaN in the resulting Series. Series and index have 'name' attribute. Can alter index in place. eg Series_obj.index = [...labels...] DataFrame: ---------- DataFrame represents a tabular data structure containing an ordered collection of columns, of possibly different value types. Has both row and col index. Like a dict of Series, all sharing same index ** DataFrame from dict of lists ** DataFrame from dict of equal-length lists: data = {'state': ['Ohio', 'Ohio', 'Ohio', 'Nevada', 'Nevada'], 'year': [2000, 2001, 2002, 2001, 2002], 'pop': [1.5, 1.7, 3.6, 2.4, 2.9]} frame = DataFrame(data) pop, state, year become the columns Can override the *order* of cols with DataFrame(data, columns= [...col labels...]) where col labels are the same as before, just sepcified in order to appear in tbl If spec a column not in data then it is added as Series of NaN's Get Series from dataframe like a dict or obj: frame.state //or frame['state'] Cols can be modified by assignment. Assign scalar sets all values to scalar. Can assign NumPy array of same length as DataFrame #rows. Assign Series means Series will be conformed to #rows inserting NaNs where needed (where labels/index don't match) Assign to non-existing column creates column del keyword removes columns (as in del frame2['eastern']) **DataFrame From Dict of Dicts** Outer dict keys become DataFrame columns Inner dict keys become row indicies/labels (they are unioned and sorted) Innder dict values become data (missing labels become NaNs) **DataFram From Dict of Series ** Outder dict keys become columns Series become the column values Iterate over rows: for row_idx, row in df.iterrows(): print row_idx, type(row) Index Objects ------------- Index objects hold the axis labels and other metadata (like the axis name or names). Index objects are IMMUTABLE. Index is array like and also fixed-sized-set like. e.g. can do "blah in frame.index" Index methods include append, diff, intersection, untion, isin, delete, drop, insert, is_monotonic, is_unique ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONALITY ======================= Reindex ------- Create new series with data conformed to new index. Can use to re-arrange order of current indicies and add new ones as NaNs (or fillValue=xxxx). eg obj.reindex(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], fill_value=0) Can interpolate values using method='ffill' (carries values forward) or 'bfill' (carries values backwards) For DataFrame reindex operates on either rows, cols, or both! frame2 = frame.reindex(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) // does ROWS by default frame.reindex(columns=[....]) // does COLUMNS Dropping axis entries --------------------- newser = Series.drop('x') drops row with label 'x' from the series. returns new obj or newser = Series.drop(['x', 'y']) newdf = DataFrame.drop([...], axis=?) - drops row/col, axis==1 is col, axis==0 is row (default is axis==0) Index, Selection, Filtering --------------------------- Use series like NumPy arrays. BUT RANGE IS END-INCLUSIVE FOR LABELS (but apparently not for numerical indexing??)!! Indexing for a DataFrame retreives one or more COLUMNS when using labels but using range or boolean array it selects ROWS. Can also index with another DataFrame Boolean. Mostly direct DF indexing is to do with columns. To index ROWS us the **.ix indexing field** It is a powerful indexer and lets you select a subset of the rows and columns from a DataFrame with NumPy-like notation plus axis labels DataFrame_obj.ix[row-specifier1, col-specifier] or DataFrame_obj.ix[row-range, col-range] The specifiers can be labels, indicies etc as per usual array selection/filter Indexing options with DataFrame (most exist for Series too!) Type Notes obj[val] Select single column or sequence of columns from the DataFrame. Special case conveniences: boolean array sample length as index (filter rows), slice (slice rows), or boolean DataFrame (set values based on some criterion). can use to generate more complex criteria0 obj.ix[val] Selects single row of subset of rows from the DataFrame. obj.ix[:, val] Selects single column of subset of columns. obj.ix[val1, val2] Select both rows and columns. reindex method Conform one or more axes to new indexes. xs method Select single row or column as a Series by label. icol, irow methods Select single column or row, respectively, as a Series by integer location. get_value, set_value methods Select single value by row and column label. loc - used on index values - LABEL BASED indexing. Start AND stop bound included in slices Accepts single labels, lists of labels, ranges of labels Use: series.loc[lbl] df.loc[row-lbl-spec, col-lbl-spec] where spec is single lbl, list of lbls, lbl range, or array of booleans. df.loc[row-lbl] for cross section - row row-lbl for all columns. TO BE PREFERED OVER CHAINED INDEXING. ie, for MultiIndex use df.loc[:,("a","b")] not df["a"]["b"] ESPECIALLY for setting! iloc - integer positions (i.e. like array index, 0 based) standard array indexing, i.e scalar, fancy, ranges, bools can SET using iloc Use: df.iloc[idx] - gives rows for all cols df.iloc[row-idx, col-idx] Out-of-range slices handled gracefully. .at/iat - fast scalar value get/set sample() for random samples isin() - returns bool vect, true wherever the element is in passed list. With df can also match vertain values with certain cols by passing in a dict. Eg from Pandas docu: values = { 'colA': [...], 'colB': [...], ... } row_mask = df.isin(values).all(1) df[row_mask] where() - return series with same shape as orig is s[s>0] v.s. s.where(s > 0) Same for df, also accepts value for where condition would be false to fill in with. By default returns copy by has inplace arg. mask() - inverse of where. get_loc - gets integer positions Arithmetic ---------- When adding together objects, if any index pairs are not the same, the respective index in the result will be the set union operation of the index pairs between each obj. All labels in one and not the other become NaNs! Can set fill values instead of NaN: eg. df1.add(df2, fill_value=0) - will make the value not in the other set equal to 0 for the operation. Arithmetic between DataFrame and Series is well-defined via broadcasting. Ops include add, mul, div, sub Sorting ------- sort_index == method to sort lexicographically by row or column index series_obj.sort_index() dataframe_obj.sort_index(axis=..., ascending=t/f) 0 for rows, 1 for cols order == sort by values (not index) -- only series series_obj.order() to sort by value for data frame use sort_index(... by=[cols-to-value-sort]) Duplicate values in index ------------------------- Duplicate values possible. is_unique() tells you whether axis labels are mutually exclusive If index by duplicate value all values with the matching index are returned Applies to Series and DataFrames Statistics ---------- df.sum(axis=0,1). 0 is default to sum cols, 1 to sum rows. skipna=t/f option to skip NaNs... true by default count() Number of non-NA values describe() Compute set of summary statistics for Series or each DataFrame column min(), max() Compute minimum and maximum values argmin(), argmax Compute index locations (integers) at which minimum or maximum value obtained, respectively idxmin(), idxmax Compute index values at which minimum or maximum value obtained, respectively quantile() Compute sample quantile ranging from 0 to 1 sum() Sum of values mean() Mean of values median() Arithmetic median (50% quantile) of values mad() Mean absolute deviation from mean value var() Sample variance of values std() Sample standard deviation of values skew() Sample skewness (3rd moment) of values kurt() Sample kurtosis (4th moment) of values cumsum() Cumulative sum of values cummin(), cummax Cumulative minimum or maximum of values, respectively cumprod() Cumulative product of values diff() Compute 1st arithmetic difference (useful for time series) pct_change() Compute percent changes Correlation and Covariance -------------------------- The corr method of Series computes the correlation of the overlapping, non-NA, aligned-by-index values in two Series. cov computes the covariance: series_obj1.corr(series_obj2), same as dframe.col1.corr(dframe.col2) dframe.corr/cov == full correlation or covariance matrix as a DataFrame Unique Values, Value Counts, and Membership ------------------------------------------- series_obj.unique() return series data as array with only unique values series_obj.value_counts() return series containing index as values and values as # occurences of the index values. series_obj.is_in([...set...]) returns series mask t/f for each value if in set. Handling Missing Data --------------------- all of the descriptive statistics on pandas objects exclude missing data by default pandas uses the floating point value NaN (Not a Number) to represent missing data The built-in Python None value is also treated as NA in object arrays NA handling methods: dropna Filter axis labels based on whether values for each label have missing data, with varying thresholds for how much missing data to tolerate. fillna Fill in missing data with some value or using an interpolation method such as 'ffill' or 'bfill'. isnull Return like-type object containing boolean values indicating which values are missing / NA. notnull Negation of isnull. eg df.fillna(0) or df.fillna({1: 0.5, 3: -1}) # Fill diff NAs in different cols with different vals Most return a new object but you can use 'inplace=True' to do it inplace on the curretn df The same interpolation methods available for reindexing can be used for fillna() Hierarchical Indexing --------------------- Enables you to have multiple (two or more) index levels on an axis: Series with a MultiIndex as its index. PARTIAL INDEX outer or inner index of hierachy: ser_obj['outer_label'] == returns all the inner labels and their data associated with the outer label ser_obj[:'inner'] == returns all the inner labels matching 'inner' returning the values labeled by outer ^^^^ This doesn't seem to work Use df.xs() Can use ranges/slices etc as normal in this form of indexing like the normal array ops ser_obj.unstack() == produces a dataframe with inner as the columns and outer as the rows ser_obj.stack() == does the inverse of unstack With a DataFrame, either axis can have a hierarchical index. In [270]: frame = DataFrame( np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)), .....: index=[['a', 'a', 'b', 'b'], [1, 2, 1, 2]], .....: columns=[['Ohio', 'Ohio', 'Colorado'], .....: ['Green', 'Red', 'Green']]) In [271]: frame Out[271]: Ohio Colorado Green Red Green a 1 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 b 1 6 7 8 2 9 10 11 To re-order the hierachy levels use frame.swaplevel('key1', 'key2'). To sort the data by a particular level use frame.sortlevel(1) Stats functions can also pick a level: frame.sum(level='key2') Clean, Transform, Merge, Reshape ================================================= Overview --------- Data contained in pandas objects can be combined together in a number of built-in ways: + pandas.merge connects rows in DataFrames based on one or more keys. Implements database join operations. + pandas.concat glues or stacks together objects along an axis. + combine_first instance method enables splicing together overlapping data to fill in missing values in one object with values from another. Merging on column(s) --------------------- pd.merge(df3, df4, on='key', how='inner|outer|left|right') defaul 'how' is "inner" if no shared key can use options 'left_on='lkey', right_on='rkey'' use 'key=["key1",..., "keyN"]' to join on multiple keys use suffixes=(tuple of key suffixes)' to label "on" keys from different frames differently WARNING: When joining columns-on-columns, the indexes on the passed Data- Frame objects are discarded *merge function arguments* Argument Description left DataFrame to be merged on the left side right DataFrame to be merged on the right side how One of 'inner', 'outer', 'left' or 'right'. 'inner' by default on Column names to join on. Must be found in both DataFrame objects. If not specified and no other join keys given, will use the intersection of the column names in left and right as the join keys left_on Columns in left DataFrame to use as join keys right_on Analogous to left_on for left DataFrame left_index Use row index in left as its join key (or keys, if a MultiIndex) right_index Analogous to left_index sort Sort merged data lexicographically by join keys; True by default. Disable to get better performance in some cases on large datasets suffixes Tuple of string values to append to column names in case of overlap; defaults to ('_x', '_y'). For example, if 'data' in both DataFrame objects, would appear as 'data_x' and 'data_y' in result copy If False, avoid copying data into resulting data structure in some exceptional cases. By default always copies Merging on index ---------------- pass left_index=True or right_index=True (or both) to indicate that the index should be used as the merge key Files and IO ============ Get from DB ------------ import as sql sql.read_frame('select * from test', con) Where 'con' is the Python DB connection object. R style pipes in Python =========================