Typescript Notes

Page Contents


  • Is JavaScript + a type system,
    • Compiles into "plain" JavaScript.
  • To play: www.typescriptlang.org/play/.
    • Fake JSON APIs: jsonplaceholder.typicode.com
      • E.g. fetch jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos to get a JSON list of TODO items,
      • E.g. fetch jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1 to get only first TODO item.
  • Uses type annotations,
  • Goals:
    • Catch errors during development,
    • Type annotations help analyze code,
    • Only active during development,
    • TS compiler does not optimize performance.
  • Install
    • npm install -g typescript ts-node
      • ts-node is just a timesaver that combines the tsc and node commands used to compile and then run code into one command.
    • Run compiler: tsc --help. TSC = TypeScript Compiler

TS Compiler Config

  • Avoid continuall re-running tsc using watch mode:
    • Specific file: tsc <filename> --watch
    • A project tsc --init (only once for project - be in root before running!)
      • Creates tsconfig.json
        • Non-compile Options:
          • "exclude": [...list of more file names...] (* and ** ok and "node_modules" excluded bu default)
          • "include": [now only these files are compiled - must include everything]
        • Compiler Options
          • "target": "es5|es6|... - which version of JavaScript you compile to.
          • "lib": [] - spec library files to include, e.g. DOM model (is default known).
      • Now can just run tsc --watch

Features & Syntax


For example, to make a dictionary/object type stricter by defining the members and their types you can:

inteface my_interface {
    property1: type1,
    propertyN: typeN

const my_variable = some_other_variable as my_interface

Or we can do

// Simple types
const blah: number = 5; // However TS can infer this - dont 
                        // need to be so explicit in this ex because
                        // doing decl and init on *same* line!

// Arrays
const bar: number[] = [1,2,3]

// Objects / Classes
const foo: Date = new Date();

// Object literal
const cartesian = { x: number; y : number } {
    x: 10,
    y: 100

// Functions
// "Normal" functions
function myFunc(a: number, b: number) : number {
    //                                ^^^^^^^^
    //                                Return type

// Return type can be `void` if nothing returned
function myFunc(a: number, b: number) : void {    

// Function references
let myFuncRef: Function;
myFuncRef = myFunc

const myFunc: (arg1: type1) => return_type = (arg1: type1) => {
    //        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //        This is the annotation even though it looks like the
    //        func defn - hard to read syntax

// Union types (best to avoid)
let oops: boolean | number = false;
boolean = 44;

// Literals
// Not just a type but the specific value, or subset of values, from the set of values the type supports!
// Just union of literals
someVar: 1 | 2 | 3 // Can only have literal values 1, 2, or 3

// Alias
// The `type` keyword is *not* JS, it is introduced by TS
type StringOrNumber = string | number;
type User = { 
    name: string;
    age: number 

// Or for a func...
type MyFunc = (a: int, b: string) => int[];
let myf: MyFunc;
mgf = (a: int, b: string) => {
    return [1,2,3];

Some examples of when type annotation is useful:

  • Variables declared on one line but initialised later - TS can't infer here.
  • WHen variable has type that cannot otherwise inferred
  • When function returns 'any' type and it needs to be restricted/clarified

Types Added By TypeScript

// Tuples (Really fixed length arrays):
var_name: [number, string] 

// Note tuple length is contrained when creating them but unfortunately
// you can violate this with .push()

// Enums
enum { ENUM_1, ENUM_2, ... }  // Creates labels starting at 0
enum { ENUM_1 = 101, ENUM_2, ... }  // Creates labels starting at 101
// + Can assign to any/all of the enum members.


  • A difference in TS is that you can specify, as a little improvement, this: <class type> as a parameter for class methods to allow TS to detect errors where this would not lexically scope as happens in JS.
  • Class fields and methods can have private, protected and public (the default) modifiers. This will compile down to private JS class fields if the compile-to version is modern enough, for example. If compile-to JS version not enough then not runtime enforced, only in TS. eg.
// Can do this
class A {
    private a: int;
    private b: int[] = [];

    constructor(a: int, b: int[]) {
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;

// And the SHORT CUT is this:
class A {
    constructor(private a: int, private b: int[], ...) {
        // With access modifiers the class member vars will be auto made for us...
        // ..note we dont define them in the class body - they're implicitly defined
        // for us now...
  • Can make fields readonly after init. Only a TS fixture, does not exist in JS.

    class A {
        private a: int;
        private b: int[] = [];
        constructor(private readonly a: int, private b: int[], ...) {
            //              ^^^^^^^^
            //              a will be read only after it is initialised

  • Getters and setters like in normal JS

    class A {
        private a: int = 10
        get my_a() {
            return a; // But you'd use more complex logic!
        set my_a(value: int) {
            this.a = value;
    const a = new A()
    a.my_a; // returns 10

  • Static properties and methods use static keyword

  • In abstract classes can use abstract class functions using this keyword. They have no body and must define the return val.

    abstract class A {
        abstract some_func(this: A, ...): void;
        //                                ^^^^^
        //                                Note return type and NO function body

  • Create singletons using private constructors.


  • Describes a class/object members and functions. Use to type check objects.
  • Classes can implements interfaces... just like in Java - the solved the multiple inhertiance virtual base class problem.
  • TS only, doesn't exist in JS

    interface A {
        var1: string;
        var2: string[];
        some_func(param: int, ...): int;
    let myA: A;
    myA = { // The following matches the interface so TS can typecheck this assignment because
            // it knows what `myA` should look like.
        var1: "JEH",
        var2: "Tech",
        some_func(param: int, ...) {
    // OR
    class MyClass implements A[, B[, ...]] {
  • Interfaces cannot have public, protected, privated.

  • Interfaces CAN have readonly properties.
  • Interfaces can extends interfaces. Inheritance for interfaces!

    interface A extends B, C[, ...] { ... } 
  • Optional parameters and properties (can do in classes too!):

    interface A {
        optionalVariables?: int;
        //               ^
        //               Note the question mark - interface implementers can
        //               choose not to implement this.

Advanced Types

Intersection Types

  • With a union type, can only access members that are common to all types in the union.
  • An intersection type combines multiple types into one.
    • type ALL = A & B & C: ALL object has members of all three types!
type A = {
    a1: string;
    a2: int

type AA = {
    a1: string;
    a3: int[]

type AAA = A & AA;
// Has the type {
//     a1: string;
//     a2: int
//     a3: int[]

But for primative types it is an intersection:

type A = number | string;
type B = number | boolean;
type C = A & B; // effective type is number string or boolean!

Discrimated Union

  • Give an interface a literal type and use it to distinguish between objects that object the interface.
  • Feels a bit yuk - if/elses on types... hmmm.

Type Casting

  • Tell TS something is a certain type;
  • E.g., getting a DOM element, or a property of an element, need to tell TS what the type is

    // Method 1
    const inputElement = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementByID("some-id")!; //< Have to tell TS what type of DOM element this is!
    //                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                   ^
    //                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                   The EXCLAMATION mark tells TS this will not be null
    //                   This is one way to type cast
    // Method 2
    const inputElement = document.getElementByID("some-id")! as HTMLInputElement; //< Have to tell TS what type of DOM element this is!
    //                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                                                       The other way to type case (avoids it looking like React JSX)  

  • Cannot type cast if the returned value could be null. Have to do this

    const somethingThatCouldBeNull = ...;
    if (somethingThatCouldBeNull) {
        (somethingThatCouldBeNull as HTMLInputElement).value = ...'
      // ^                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      // Need to wrap the variable in parenthesis and cast inside them like so. 

Index Properties

  • Define the types of properties in a class but not their actual names
// Don't know property count or names, jsut know they must all be strings and have values that 
// are also strings.
interface Blah {
    [prop: string]: number;
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  2. And these properties all map to numbers
    1. Blah only has properties that are strings

Note, this use of square brackets in the interface is not the same as ES6 computed property names.

Starting with ECMAScript 2015, the object initializer syntax also supports computed property names. That allows you to put an expression in brackets [], that will be computed and used as the property name.

Utility Types and keyof

  • See the docs for utility types.
  • TypeScript provides several utility types to facilitate common type transformations...
    • Omit, Partial, Readonly, Exclude, Extract, NonNullable, ReturnType.
  • Example Omit:

    interface Book {
        author: string | null;
        numPages: number;
        price: number;
    // Article is a Book without a Page
    type Article = Omit<Book, 'numPages'>;
    * Example Pick:

    interface Todo {
        title: string;
        description: string;
        completed: boolean;
    type TodoPreview = Pick<Todo, "title" | "completed">;
    const todo: TodoPreview = {
        title: "Clean room",
        completed: false,
  • See the docs 4 mapped types.

  • The keyof operator takes an object type and produces a string or numeric literal union of its keys:

    • Example:
    type Person = {
        name: string;
        surname: string;
        email: string;
    type PersonKeys = keyof Person;
    // PersonKeys = 'name' | 'surname' | 'email'
    • Example use of keyof in Pick utlity type

      // Definition of Pick<Type, Keys>
      // Constructs a type by picking the set of properties Keys (string literal or union
      // of string literals) from Type...
      type Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = {
          [P in K]: T[P];
      // Using the example above of
      // type TodoPreview = Pick<Todo, "title" | "completed">;
      // keyof Todo == 'name' | 'surname' | 'email'
      // `K extends keyof T` means that the resulting type is the super set of 
      //   `'name' | 'surname' | 'email'`, but in the way this function is used, it just
      //    means that K is a selection of the keys of T... extends just allows us
      //    to say that K is of type "keyof Keys". Although K extends the union of the 
      //    types of T, anything "extra" on top of that union can never be picked from T 
      //    anway, so really its just a way of saying the picked keys are the keys in T.

Mapped Types


Function Overloads

E.g. help typescript infer return type correctly when multiple possibilities exist.

type Combinable = string | number;

function add (a: number, b: number): number                 //<< Function override so that TS knows that adding a number...
function add (a: Combinable, b: Combinable): Combinable {   // ...and a number results in a number and not a Combinable


  • Kinda like templates in C++
  • Docs

Built In

// E.g. Arrays:
const my_array: Array<string>;
const my_array: Array<string | number>; // etc etc

// Promise
const promise: Promise<what-it-resolves-to> = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {...});
// so more specifically...
const promise: Promise<string> = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {... resolve("result"); ...});
// now we know that
promise.then(data => ...) // that data is of type string - so better type safety here :)

User defined generic function

// E.g.,
function myFunc<T, U>(p1: T, p2: U): T & U {

// Can call the function "bare" but can also specialise the template like this:
const a = myFunc<{p1: int}, {p2: string}>({p1: 1}, {p2: "james"});
// But shouldn't ordinarily need to do this ^^

// Can apply constraints to cover for JS silent fails:
function myOtherFunc<T>(p1: T); // T is *any*. May want to contrain it to be something...
// So do this:
function myOtherFunc<T extends SomeClassInterfaceOrType>(p1: T); 
//                     ^^^^^^
//                     Where you could extend an interface if you wanted, for example, to
//                     contrain the object to having a superset of certain keys, etc.

// Eg
type MyFunc = (a: int, b: string) => int[];
interface CanSpeak {
    speak: MyFUnc
function doSpeak<T extends CanSpeak>(p1: T): string;
//              ^^^
//              Will accept any type that has a speak member that is a function of type MyFUnc.

// Use `extends keyof` to say a param is a key of an object

Generic classes

class MyClass<T> {
    function somFunc(p1: T) {
    function otherFUnc<U>(p1: T, p2: U) {
const myInstance = new MyClass<string>();

Caution with Generics v.s. union types and the differences:

class MyClass<T extends number | string> {
    function somFunc(p1: T) { ... } //< When class is instantiatied T is ONE type: not either a num or str!
                                    //  Whereas, had a union type been used, it could be either.

Partial Types

  • Tell TS it will eventually be that full type, but we're going to build it up rather than define it in one go.
  • Makes all members optional
interface Junk {
    a: int,
    b: int

const a: Partial<Junk> = {}; // Partial required here coz not initialising type in one go
a.a = 1;
a.b = 2;
const b: Junk = a as Junk;

Read Only Types

const junk: Readonly<int[]> = [1, 2]
junk.push(3); // TS will complain (JS will just do it - JS can freeze arrays!)


  • In tsconfig.json make sure you have selected es6 as the target and add/set experimentalDecorators to true.
  • The @ symber prefixes decorators, and a function name should follow it. The number of args the decorator function accepts depends on how it is used.
    • For classes the function should take one argument, the constructor function.
    • For class properties the function should take two arguments, the target of the property being decorated (receives the object prototype or the constructor function if it is a static class) and property name.
    • For accessor decorators, same as for properties but with a second as the name of the accessor/param, third parameter of type PropertyDescriptor.
      • For methods its the same.
      • For parameters get target, name, and position
  • Executors execute when the class is defined, not when it is instatiated!
function MyFirstDecorator(constructor: Function) {
    console.log("I decorated it");

class MyClass {
    constructor() {
        console.log("Creating MyClass");

// Output will be (because decorator runs at class definition):
// I decorate it
  • A secorator factory is a function that returns a decorator and allows the returned decorator to thus be configured.
function MyFirstDecoratorFACTORY(some_config: any) {
    return function(constructor: Function) {
            "I decorated it with " + some_config

@MyFirstDecoratorFACTORY("Example config")
class MyClass {
    constructor() {
        console.log("Creating MyClass");

// Output will be (because decorator runs at class definition):
// I decorate it with Example config
  • Multiple decorators can be added to a class. The execute in bottom-ip order: i.e. decorator closest to class definition first and the one furthest away last:
class MyCLass { ... }

Decorators Returning Values

  • Class decorators can return a new constructor function that will replace the old one.
function MyDecorator(orig_constructor: any) {
    return class extends orig_constructor { // Returning new class but remember class is SYNTACTIC 
                                            // SUGAR for a constructor function!
        constructor() {
            super(): // Construct the child!!
            // ... the replacement constructor, which because super() is called has all the
            // original functionality plus whatever we do here, and this log will only
            // execute when the class is instatiated.
  • Method and accessor decorators can also return vales.
  • Return new PropertyDescriptors.

    • By default, values added using Object.defineProperty() are immutable and not enumerable.
  • Any other decorators (properties and values) have their return values ignored.

Example Class Function Decorator

  • See the docs
  • From the docs:
  • The expression for the method decorator will be called as a function at runtime, with the following three arguments:
    1. Either the constructor function of the class for a static member, or the prototype of the class for an instance member.
    2. The name of the member.
    3. The Property Descriptor for the member.
  • See also: Medium article on PropertyDescriptor

    When we create a JavaScript object ... and add some properties to it, each property (key) gets a default property descriptor. A property descriptor is a simple JavaScript object associated with each property of the object that contains information about that property such as its value and other meta-data.

    ... The value property of the property descriptor is the current value of the property, writable is whether the user can assign a new value to the property, enumerable is whether this property will show up in enumerations like for in loop or for of loop or Object.keys etc. The configurable property tells whether the user has permission to change property descriptor ...

    ... get (getter) and set (setter) for a property can also be set in property descriptor with these exact keys. But when you define a getter, it comes with some sacrifices. You can not have an initial value or value key on the descriptor at all because the getter will return the value of that property. You can not use writable key on descriptor as well, because your writes are done through the setter and you can prevent writes there.

function MyDecorator(target: any, name: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
    // target is the class prototype 
    // name is the string "myFunction"
    // descriptor is the property descriptor for 

    // descriptor.value == the original method
    // ^^ This is what lets you either replace the function completely or
    //    wrap it g(f(x)) style.

    // Create a new, ajusted descriptor to override/augment the function
    // being decorated.

// ...

class A {
    myFunction(...) {
// Outputs the following from the decorator:
//     V {constructor: ƒ, myFunction: ƒ}
//         V constructor: class A
//             length: 0
//             name: "A"
//         V prototype:
//             > constructor: class A
//             > myFunction: ƒ myFunction()
//             > [[Prototype]]: Object        
//             arguments: (...)
//             caller: (...)
//             [[FunctionLocation]]: VM124:19
//             > [[Prototype]]: ƒ ()
//             [[Scopes]]: Scopes[6]
//         > myFunction: ƒ myFunction()
//         [[Prototype]]: Object
//     myFunction
//     V {writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: ƒ}
//         configurable: true
//         enumerable: false
//         V value: ƒ myFunction()         <<<< THIS IS THE FUNCTION ITSELF
//             length: 0
//             name: "myFunction"
//             arguments: (...)
//             caller: (...)
//             [[FunctionLocation]]: VM124:20
//             > [[Prototype]]: ƒ ()
//             > [[Scopes]]: Scopes[6]
//         writable: true
//         [[Prototype]]: Object

Example Class property Decorator

  • The expression for the property decorator will be called as a function at runtime, with the following two arguments:
    1. Either the constructor function of the class for a static member, or the prototype of the class for an instance member.
    2. The name of the member.
  • See this good example

    function(prototypeOrConstructor: Object, propertyKey: string) {
        // Can for example add a setter and getter to the property.
        Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
        get: () => { ... },
        set: () => { ... }